_qQuote[0] male Note: %1 is a male wizard ("black wizard", "green wizard" or "white wizard") %2!d! and %3!d! are numbers STARTBLOCK I see you have not yet defeated the %1 in his Castle. He has %2!d! life in his stronghold and controls %3!d! mana domes. ENDBLOCK _qQuote[1] Note: %s and %s are both city names STARTBLOCK In long ago ages some cities began to hoard their magics. The wise men of these cities searched for a champion throughout the dark days. When your talent was discovered, they agreed to pool their remaining bits of power in an attempt to unseat Arzakon and his Evil Mages. Two of these cities with which you have links are %s and %s. ENDBLOCK _qQuote[2] Note: %1 is a world magic name, %2 is a city name STARTBLOCK Your quest will be aided by collecting the World Magics. A magic which may be useful to you is %1. It may be found in the city of %2. ENDBLOCK _qQuote[3]--this is a female version of _qQuote[0] Note: %1 is a female wizard ("blue wizard" or "red wizard") %2!d! and %3!d! are numbers STARTBLOCK I see you have not yet defeated the %1 in her Castle. She has %2!d! life in her stronghold and controls %3!d! mana domes. ENDBLOCK _nqQuote[0] STARTBLOCK Shandalar was not always as it is today. In ancient times, magic was free to all. There was no need to hoard mana or spells. We basked in riches, but did not know it. In talks with the Guardian and the lords, I learned of other places, called "planes". These faraway lands are poor in mana, and only wizards there use magic. Strong wizards move between the planes, and call themselves "planeswalkers". They are a vicious bunch, always warring. To them, Shandalar is like a ripe fruit. ENDBLOCK _nqQuote[1] STARTBLOCK Once, when I was younger and more powerful, I was an honored guest at his stronghold, and I sat at the Guardian's own table. Oh, the stories the immortal told that night! He was a boy in the time before the first war, when Kenan Sahrmal was Shandalar's protector. They never worried about planeswalkers then, even though the Great Barrier did not exist. The greatest wizards of his grandfather's time (the Guardian said) built creatures of pure mana. These still roamed the land in his childhood, and the great dragons are their descendants. ENDBLOCK _nqQuote[2] STARTBLOCK The first of the great wars against Lim- Dûl was a nightmare for everyone in Shandalar. The ancient wizards claimed to actually hear the agony of our world's misused mana. The great dragons' grief would rend any heart, and the Guardian was once a man, after all. After the war he vowed to prevent further pain and the dragons stood behind him. Thus were established the five magic guilds, each of which polices one color of mana. The lord of each guild is expert with that color, though often weak in every other. ENDBLOCK _nqQuote[3] STARTBLOCK I am far older than I seem, young mage. I myself saw the spirit of Lim-Dûl imprisoned. The artifact in which it is trapped is hidden well, and I would be a fool to even describe it to you. However, I can tell you one thing certain, that the artifact powers the Great Barrier. Without it, Shandalar would be open to attack, and to the ruthless predation of planeswalkers. This so-called Spell of Dominion that the guild lords seek the power to cast can only mean the destruction of the artifact and the freeing of the necromancer's spirit. ENDBLOCK _nqQuote[4] STARTBLOCK It might seem obvious to one such as you, but I tell you now that the only wise course is to duel and defeat the lord of every guild, then banish the monster Arzakon itself. Who knows what spells the monster can cast? It has surely traveled widely in search of power. If you defeat all five of the great wizards, Arzakon will not hesitate to attack you. Now that the guild lords have broken their vows, there are no limits on how they use the mana. They have summoned vicious lesser wizards and creatures stranded here during the two wars. Those traitors to Shandalar now wander the land hungry for battle, magic, and treasure. But the guild lords have more to gain than gold. Some of the creatures have specific missions. When a creature attacks one of our cities, its goal is to siphon off all the magical energy. With enough of this stolen magic, a wizard can cast the Spell of Dominion. ENDBLOCK _nqQuote[5] STARTBLOCK The most ancient magic in Shandalar was hidden away after the second war. If you would find and use these spells, You must search the oldest dungeons. ENDBLOCK _nqQuote[6] STARTBLOCK Shandalar's dragons were never our friends, but neither were they malicious. Now, some serve the lords unwillingly. The others disappeared long ago. Perhaps the Guardian knows their fate. Regardless, they will not help you. There are still two you can summon, the Faerie and the Prismatic. Both are wild and unpredictable, more so than dragons from other planes. Still, in your present predicament you should value any ally. ENDBLOCK _nqQuote[7] STARTBLOCK Your best chance to defeat a creature sent out by one of the vile guild lords is while it is wandering the land or during its attack on a city. Once a creature has established a home whether dungeon, castle, or mana dome, it has the luxury of certain advantages that make defeating it much more difficult. ENDBLOCK _nqQuote[8] STARTBLOCK None but the guild lords has seen Arzakon, so nothing said of the monster can be trusted. It is rumored, however, that it has one fear: an ancient rival, the wizard Yawden. Unfortunately, it has been centuries since the two planeswalkers met and fought. Perhaps we're fortunate this rival's not here. It's likely he's as evil as Arzakon. ENDBLOCK _nqQuote[9] STARTBLOCK The deepest dungeons are guarded well by powerful spells and mighty creatures. The ancient, hidden magics of Shandalar will not be taken by an unprepared novice. A wanderer who is wise and cautious interrogates creatures defeated in duels. The more details you know before entering, the better your chances in any dungeon. ENDBLOCK _nqQuote[10] STARTBLOCK As you defeat their roaming minions, each guild lord is weakened, slightly. There is a lower limit to their power, but you should still not take them lightly. ENDBLOCK _nqQuote[11] STARTBLOCK Mana stones are shaped from precious gems. In them we store Shandalar's pure mana. You then, in turn, can use the stones to power the helpful World Magics. Both stones and Magics can be hard to find, but if you help our cities and villages, the wise men there will find ways to return any favor you do. ENDBLOCK